Did anyone mention that...
It's kind of amazing that anyone could be motivated/dedicated enough to release an animation every day, regardless of quality
Did anyone mention that...
It's kind of amazing that anyone could be motivated/dedicated enough to release an animation every day, regardless of quality
Hey that was really good! You should make it longer, more in depth... maybe add the ability to walk through rooms or pick what you want to say first
thanks! i'm pretty new to flash, but once i get things down i will definatly make it more in depth, thanks.
Yay it actually sounds like Butthead now!
I'll take that as a "beavis still sucked"
Well, glad you found the movie positive then ^^
Keep improving..
Hey... that was actually really good!
Congrats, first review. yay glad u liked it
Hahaha this is the best one yet!
Hahahahahaha that was fucking funny as hell!!!
(FPS * 60) / BPM = # of frames per beat
50 asshole
haha i hate those guys
You must live in Cobb County
close, gwinnett
"The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common, they don't alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable, if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering." -Dr. Who
Age 43, Male
Sitting here
Joined on 2/11/01